Two simplified industrial construction machines bracket a rectangle of warning tape which contains the words UNDER CONSTRUCTION


When DEAF-WOMAN was born she was the very first Deaf person in the world.

Nobody knew what to do about it. So she pretended to be the same as everyone else.

When she grew up she married a HEARING-MAN like everyone else.

They weren't happy.

He was handsome but he couldn't talk, and he didn't like it when she talked, and always yelling with a slow mouth.

So DEAF-WOMAN left and went to look for someone else.

Next she married INTERPRETER.

They could talk some, and translated what other people said sometimes, and didn't yell.

They were happy for a little while.

They were handsome but didn't always want to talk, and was tired of translating, and frustrated when she didn't hear.

So DEAF-WOMAN left and went to look for someone else. But she didn't find anyone.

Finally she asked God, "Is there a person like me anywhere?"

God said "NO."

She said, "You gave all other people partners like them. I want that. I want a husband like me."

God thought for a long time.


"That's fine," said DEAF-WOMAN. "I accept."

So DEAF-WOMAN left and went to look for her husband.

What did she do?

She found a town and waited until night. Then she picked up a metal pot and pan.

She went to every house and banged them together and shouted! The lights came on!

When every house had the lights on she said, 'Not here', and left.

Finally, finally she found a town and waited until night. Then she picked up a metal pot and pan.

She went to a house and banged them together! The lights didn't turn on.

She picked up tin cans and tied them together. Then she shook them and banged the pot and pan!

She waited. The lights didn't turn on.

One more time, she stomped her feet and shook the tin cans and banged the pot and pan, and she shouted!

All the houses around them turned the lights on, but not that one.

She understood that was the right house. So she sat and waited until sunrise.

DEAF-MAN in the house woke up and saw her sitting outside. He came and opened the door.

"Hello," she said. DEAF-MAN was amazed!

"You? You're deaf too?" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "We're Deaf same!"